History of Circumcision
The practice of male circumcision dates back thousands of years and is steeped in religious, ethnic and cultural origins. Below is a brief chronology of the history of circumcision and its practice throughout the world.
10,000 BC
The Aboriginal tribes introduced circumcision of boys as rites of passage during puberty.
6,000 BC
Tribes in North East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula practised circumcision as a form of puberty rites.
3,100 BC
Egypt subsequently invaded from the south by African tribes who introduced circumcision to the locals.
600 BC
The Torah was first compiled and included the story of the Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) who was commanded by God to perform circumcision on himself at the age of 80 years and instructed to circumcise his sons and slaves. This was later adopted by religious figures amongst the Jewish community and considered to be a sign of the Covenant.
450 BC
Greek historians recorded the prevalence of circumcision practices amongst numerous ancient communities including the Colchians, Ethiopians, Egyptians, and Syrians.
Birth of Christ
Jesus was circumcised soon after his birth in keeping with Jewish practice.
43 AD
St. Paul encouraged relaxing of circumcision practices amongst new Christian converts at a meeting in Jerusalem.
570 AD
The Prophet Muhammed (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was born and encouraged the continuation of the Arab custom of circumcision.
7th to 11th Century
The spread of the Islamic empire yielded large growth in the practice of circumcision.
1855 AD
Jonathon Hutchinson – a prominent physician in England – suggested that widespread circumcision of males should be carried out in an attempt to prevent the spread of Syphilis. Circumcision was also in keeping with Victorian ideals of conservative sexual practices.
1999 AD
The American Academy of Paediatrics issued a policy on circumcisions – paediatricians may perform circumcisions at the request of parents for cultural, religious and ethnic reasons.
There has been a recent gradual decline in the practice of male circumcisions, especially in Europe, the US, and Australia. The process that has been prevalent throughout society has now been stigmatized amongst some circles. There are no compelling ethical, legal or medical grounds for not having a child circumcised and, at Circumcision Pro, we believe that the decision rests with the individual or, in the case of children, with the parents of the individual. Our focus lies in providing a service that ensures safety with an emphasis on causing as little distress and pain to each client as possible.
We are very familiar with both ritual and secular motives for performing a circumcision, as well as medical reasons. We are extremely respectful of all cultures and beliefs and are here to provide a professional medical service that enables the fulfilment of all medical, ritual and secular circumcisions.